Current Issue

Original Article

Year: 2017 I  Volume: 6I  Issue: 3I  Pages: 1038–1042

Coronary artery disease risk factors distribution in cities versus urban and rural population of Karnataka

Dr Rajith KS*, DNB Cardiology; Dr Harshabasappa*, DNB Cardiology, Dr S S Ramesh†, DM Cardiology

*Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, Mysore branch, Mysore

†Chief consultant interventional cardiologist, Department of Cardiology, Vagus Superspeciality Hospital, Malleshwaram, Bangalore



Objectives: To analyze the risk factors in patients with established coronary artery disease (CAD) in the setting of cities versus urban and rural population.

Methodology : This cross-sectional study included all CAD patients visiting a tertiary cardiac center in Karnataka, from cities, urban, and rural areas. The patients who presented with known or suspected CAD with chest pain suggestive of CAD; previously diagnosed / documented CAD; documented history of previous revascularization; ST-T changes or Q waves in two or more contiguous leads on electrocardiography (ECG) suggestive of CAD; positive stress test/echo; and regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA) by echo were screened. After the screening, patients undergoing coronary angiogram were included in the study.

Results : In total, 487 patients underwent coronary angiogram, of which 400 had evidence of CAD and were included in the study. Mean age of the study population was 57 years. Male patients comprised 75.3%. Risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD), such as obesity (BM I 25 kg/m2) and sedentary life style, were more prevalent in the city population than in the rural population, while smoking and alcohol consumption were more common among the rural population. Other risk factors were equally prevalent among the city, urban, and rural population.

Conclusions : Primordial and primary prevention should focus on modifying risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Coronary artery disease
Rural area
Risk factors
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Print ISSN: 2249-4308
Online ISSN: 2277-6559
Frequency: Quarterly
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