Volume 6 | Issue No.2 |
Page Nos. 993 – 1030 |
Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus in India
Dr. Benudhar Nath*, MBBS, MD; Dr. Manash P Baruah⤉, MBBS, MD,DM(AIIMS), FACE (USA) |
Diabetic Dy slipidemia-a review |
Prof. (Col) Surender Kumar,* DM endocrinology (AIIMS); Brig. Narendra Kotwal, ⤉DM endocrinology (AIIMS)
Hypertension And Diabetes |
Gumpeny Lakshmi*, MD; Gumpeny R Sridhar⤉, MD, DM, FACE, FRCP |
Diabetes as coronary heart disease equivalent |
Brig. Narendra Kotwal*, DM(PGIMER CHD); Prof. (Col) Surendra Kumar, DM Endocrinology (AIIMS)⤉ |
Prevention of Vascular Complications Of Diabetes |
Rajesh Rajput*, MD, DM(Endocrinology), FICP, FIACM, FIMSA, Vaibhav Pathak⤉, MD(Medicine) |
Updates on Statins |
Rury R Holman |